Author Guidelines
As part of the submission process, author(s) are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned by Studium Biblicum to the author(s) that do not adhere to these guidelines:
- Please read the Focus and Scope of Studium Biblicum before submitting an article;
- Author(s) should register at and creating an account as an author;
- Author(s) need to read and pay attention to the Publication Ethics of Studium Biblicum;
- Please use the Template before submitting your manuscript;
- The manuscript should be original, research-based, unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals;
- The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word document file format, Cambria, size 12 pts, one and a half-space, A4 paper (210mm x 297mm);
- The article should be between 4000-6000 words. The allowable length of the manuscript is at the editor’s discretion; however, the manuscript with a length of less than or exceeding the specified word count may be returned to the author(s) for revision before the editors consider the manuscript. The word count excludes tables, figures, and references;
- The manuscript must include 100-150 words abstract and 5-6 keywords. Please read the details in the manuscript template. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end;
- The abstract of the manuscript should contain the title, purpose, methods, and research findings.
- Article Structure: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Authors are allowed to use subheadings under the main headings. If necessary, Acknowledgement and Appendix may be included. For the detail, please read the Manuscript Template;
- The manuscript will be reviewed by two expert reviewers anonymously (double-blind peer review) and edited without changing any substantial contents;
- The editor will decide the manuscript is accepted and revised after the reviewer process. The results of the review process will be sent to the author(s) dashboard.
Write the problem statement of the research in 150-200 words. Narrate the research objectives and the methods used to achieve them in 2 separate sentences. State the research thesis, research results, and conclusions, each in 1 sentence. You may outline relevant recommendations. Avoid using numbers to show the points offered, only narratives, and focus on one research offer only.
keywords must be specific and identify the research, written alphabetically in English and Indonesian, using lowercase letters (like words, except for names and which should begin with a capital letter), separated by semicolons (;), without ending with a period.
The introduction is a description of the various problems that exist and is narrowed down to the main problem behind the research. If the research is a topic with a similar problem map to existing research, the author does not need to repeat the narrative that is already generally understood (just refer to it); there is no need to elaborate on definitions, unless the study is related to the meaning of words (word study) and must be narrated problematically. Use various research articles as data for the problem map.
This section contains a literature review that aims to show the continuity of the topic being discussed as well as differences from previously published research (state of the art). In the Introduction section, there are no subheadings and no direct quotations other than problematic ones are allowed. References used in mapping the research problem are research articles in journals, proceedings, or monographs, which are not more than 10 years old.
Instead of using the terms "author" or "researcher" to identify themselves, authors are advised to use personal pronouns according to the number of authors in the manuscript/paper (me, we). It is advisable to state the thesis of the research before narrating the purpose of the research, as well as stating the benefits (significance) of the research with relevant and non-bombastic sentences.
The introduction section ends with a paragraph narrating the use of methods expressed in a concise and clear, operational manner, without defining a particular method (just refer to references if deemed necessary to convince the reader of the selection of a particular method). It is strongly recommended that this paragraph contains the points offered, a kind of systematization elaborated in the Discussion section (Results and Discussion).
This section contains the research methods used by the author (or more) in writing the article. Authors are expected to be able to clearly and well explain the research methods with language that is easy to understand and right on target.
This section is a discussion of what is offered, which can start by showing the results of the research. If the author/researcher wants to display tables, then they are very important things and must be there as a reference that can be read directly by readers to understand the flow of the discussion. Research tables that are not too significant can be used as attachments in supplementary files.
It is not necessary to display images or graphs that are not very principle, which are not related to the discussion in the paper; however, if it must be shown to the reader, it is necessary to indicate the source (example: source: It is strongly recommended not to use direct quotations, instead use paraphrases; it is strongly avoided to use direct quotations in Indonesian from English sources, or vice versa, or to translate English quotations, simply explained. "Hit-and-run" quoting is not permitted, i.e. quoting without providing a narrative of what is quoted. The author must provide an explanation, both at the beginning and at the end of the quotation. There is no need to quote things that are commonly known or understood.
Contains conclusions from the discussion built in the discussion, without doing any more discussion or proof, without quoting anything, but 6-10 sentences that are to the point, including research recommendations (if any).
- Author(s) should use Reference Management such as Zotero or Mendeley;
- All mentioned references (footnotes) should be written using the edition 9th Turabian style;
- Footnotes to text material should be written according to these below examples