About the Journal

Studium Biblicum literally means biblical study. This journal is created by the Biblical Research Center (Pusat Kajian Biblika) of Jakarta Theological Seminary (Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi Jakarta - STFTJ), Jakarta Indonesia. Biblical Research Center was founded as a result of the main concern of STFTJ in the biblical studies esp. in the context of Asia in general and Indonesia in specific. STFTJ aims to create a center of research in the areas of biblical studies in a broad sense the covers text criticism, hermeneutics or biblical exegesis, biblical theology, contextualization of biblical theology, and all studies related to the Bible.

This online theological journal is open for everyone who wants to share her/his biblical theological ideas in terms of developing local as well as Asian biblical theology. The editorial board publishes this journal twice a year, in Mei and November. The prospective authors should use the online facilities on this website to send articles. The editorial board provides double-blind peer reviewers to evaluate each article sent whether it will be published or not.

Focus and Scope of Studium Biblicum

  1. Biblical text criticism
  2. Biblical Hermeneutics/Exegesis
  3. Biblical Interpretation
  4. Biblical Theology
  5. Biblical Studies
  6. Contextualizing Bible
  7. Bible and context
  8. Biblical languages
  9. Synoptical Studies
  10. Pauline studies
  11. Johannine studies
  12. Study of Torah or Mosaic law
  13. Old Testament Studies 
  14. New Testament Studies

Journal Information
1. Journal Title: Studium Biblicum
2. Frequency of Issue: Twice a Year, in May and November
3. DOI: -
4. Online ISSN: -
5. Print ISSN: -
6. Editor in Chief: Asigor Parongna Sitanggang
7. Publisher: Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi Jakarta